Healthy Foods to Eat

Healthy Foods to Eat
Eating a healthy diet is essential for good health and wellness. It helps prevent and
manage diseases like high blood pressure theworldagenda, diabetes, cancer and obesity. The best
foods are those that contain low levels of sodium, sugar and fat and are high in

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Fruits and vegetables are a great source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. They are
also a good source of calcium, iron and folate Eat at least a cup of fruits or
vegetables a day to ensure that you get enough of these important nutrients.
Leafy greens are another excellent source of nutrition. They contain all the essential
vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, folic acid, calcium, iron and potassium.
They’re a good source of dietary fiber, which slows down digestion and stabilizes
blood glucose levels. You can eat these as a salad or dip them in a yogurt-based dip
for a snack.
Oats are a good source of complex carbohydrates, fiber and water-soluble fiber.
They help stabilize blood glucose levels and are also a good source of calcium and
vitamin B6. You can make oatmeal by blending oats with milk, water or fruit. You
can also add chopped apples or dried cranberries to oats for extra texture and flavor.
Garlic is a powerful natural antioxidant and a good source of allicin, a bioactive
compound that boosts your immune system’s defenses. It’s a great addition to
soups, stews and stir-fry dishes. You can also eat garlic roasted or sautéed in olive
oil, as a topping for eggs, meats and seafood, or add it to your daily smoothie.
Cucumber is an easy-to-prepare vegetable that’s rich in water and low in calories.
You can enjoy these sliced or raw, and you can use them in salads, dips and

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Beans are a heart-healthy food that is also high in protein, iron and fiber. They’re
also a good source of magnesium, which is critical for the brain development of
babies. They’re a good option for vegetarians and vegans.
Dark-green vegetables are a great source of calcium, folate and potassium, and are
a good choice for pregnant women. Kale is an especially good pick, with its
cruciferous qualities. It’s high in vitamins A, C and K and is also a good source of
phosphorus, calcium and vitamin E.
Berries are a great source of protein, vitamin C and potassium, plus they’re a good
source of fiber. They’re also an excellent source of phytonutrients, which are
beneficial plant compounds that protect cells from damage. They’re great for
breakfast, as a topping to crunchy whole-grain cereals, in pancakes and as an
ingredient in a dessert parfait.
Fish is an excellent source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids and other important
nutrients. Cold-water salmon is a great choice, with high levels of DHA and EPA
omega-3s. It’s also a good source of iodine and vitamin D.
Vegetables, legumes and nuts are also good sources of protein. These foods are
packed with fiber and essential nutrients, such as vitamins A, C and K, iron and zinc.

Douglas Rogers